Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 79 29th March 2011

The Marina

The Square

Yacht moored next to Aurora

This morning the ship docked at Huatulco. This is a small town that has been especially built as a holiday resort. It is in a beautiful bay with a very long quay so that cruise liners can anchor right alongside the town. It is a delightful place with beaches within a few minutes walk of the quay, lots of shops and restaurants. It is also incredibly hot with temperatures in the mid-30C and almost no shade. We went for a wander around the local craft market and then through several jewellery stores. They sell mainly silver here and there were wonderful objects but at high prices. 

There are a row of restaurants with men outside each to encourage you to come in and eat. We did have lunch in a small restaurant. I had fish stuffed with shell fish and squid/octopus. It was lovely. Chris had chicken fajitas. We were able to eat in the shade while watching the world go by. You needed to spend as much time out of the sun as possible because it was so hot.

The bay contained a number of yachts that it would be exciting to own as well as a couple of fast boats with marines. On land we had a guard of Mexican sailors around the ship with automatic rifles while in the town were armed police. It makes you wonder why so much force is needed here. They were very friendly and posed for photographs.

It is evening now and the ship has had an emergency with a man taken off in an ambulance. He looked as if you may have had a heart attack. His wife followed after him. The ship was delayed while this was sorted out. Several passengers have similarly been sent to hospital in different ports. It is when you find out how good your travel insurance is.

We are now sailing to the Panama Canal and are due to arrive on 1st April. We are looking forward to this part of the journey. It is one of the many highpoints.

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