Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 57 8th March 2011

Art Deco Napier

Another day and another port, today we are in Napier which was largely destroyed in an earthquake 1931 and then rebuilt in an art deco style. Most of the city centre buildings are art deco and this is Napier’s call to fame. It felt like being on the set of the set of a Hercule Poirot episode.  It is a quiet place with a marine parade and gardens. It reminds me of Southport and could be a retirement community. We noticed that you could park in most places and for a working day there were few people about the place. I managed to try the local beer and drank Nap’s Classic (draft) and Speight’s Distinction (bottle). The Speight’s got my vote. The pub was being done up and was another art deco building although inside was a little run down but the beer was good.

This was another dock in a container port with piles of timber so we were given a shuttle bus from the ship to the town centre a few minutes away. They did have a wheelchair accessible bus in that a ramp could be dropped down. It was a warm pleasant day so we could wander around the city. There was a nice park with a duck and duckling nesting in a fountain. I wonder why they choose there to nest. A jazz band played while we prepared to leave so a friendly departure with us sitting on our balcony having a drink.

We are continuing to sail north towards Tauranga. We will arrive tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted you to know that I got the postcard.

    I'm beginning to think that NZ is MY favourite destination so far. Napier looks and sounds very appealing.

    How amazing the virgin territory must have looked as 18th mariners sailed into the fiords.

    Wishing you calm waters and a fair wind.
