Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 77 27th March 2011

The clocks moved again today but not due to the ship rather the start of UK summer time. We are now at GMT-6 but UK time -7 or seven hours behind UK time. We are still continuing to sail down the coast of America/Mexico about 50 miles from land. The temperature has increased and it is now about 24c with a gentle breeze blowing across the decks. The sea is calm but as usual no sign of other ships. Money is not used on the ship. You are given a cruise card that serves as identification, door key and charge card. When you buy things they are charged to your account and you sign a bill. A copy is given to you so that by this stage of the journey I have a draw full of slips of paper. When the wine waiters get use to you they don’t even ask for the card since they know your name and stateroom. It is very easy to buy things and when you are ashore using money it can seem quite odd and personally it takes me a little while to adjust back to the real world.

Each evening dinner is announced over the ship’s speakers so that everyone on board Aurora can hear it. It follows the same pattern each night with one small but crucial difference. The restaurant manager or another person will say:

“First sitting for dinner is now being served in the Alexandria and Medina restaurants. Enjoy your meal and have a …….. evening”

The dotted line is an adjective that changes each night and has been following the letters of the alphabet. The first sitting is announced at and everyone stops to hear the word, to laugh and discuss the chosen word with everyone around them. Last night was yaba-daba-doo, an unpredictable choice. We are now waiting to hear what adjective beginning with Z will be selected.

Tomorrow we are arriving at Acapulco and in our case to leave the ship for a catamaran trip to see the divers.

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