Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 65 15th March 2011

Happy first birthday, Harry

It has been a day of blue skies and sea. The only negative has been a strong wind on the starboard side of the ship that has caused a lot of spray on the open decks. On the balcony it has been ok since you can shelter from the breeze.  It has been a quiet day with the ship sailing at 22 knots towards Christmas Island. Probably, the most significant feature of today is that we will re-cross the Equator at about tonight and enter the northern hemisphere again.

Last night we went to the deck party out on the back of deck 8 around one of the pools. It was very good with some good music and the chance to watch many surprising people dance the night away. The sky was very clear and you could see lots of stars but it is quite a challenge to distinguish what you are seeing. I used an application on my iPad that displays the night sky in any part of the world to reproduce the sky over the ship and with that identified some of the constellations.

Chris went to see another film today, “The Men who stare at goats”, she was not sure if she liked it or not. I did not attend preferring to walk around the deck. We have spoken to a number of people about Christmas Island and some are unsure if they will get off the ship to go ashore. We will see what happens tomorrow.

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