Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 62 12th March 2011 (again)

The clocks went forward one hour last night and we have repeated 12th March so that today we are now GMT-10 or 10 hours behind UK time. Yesterday we were GMT+13 so the change is quite significant and hard to understand. These time changes make predicting sunrise and sunset a challenge but hopefully from now on the changes will be only one hour at a time.

We are still at sea cruising towards Apia, in Western Samoa. The ship covered 460 miles yesterday and we will arrive in port tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, the people are very religious so that most things are closed on a Sunday so we are not sure what will be open or what we will be able to do.

Last night we listened to the first of five concerts from a group of operatic singers – a tenor, baritone, soprano and alto. It was very interesting not least since they sang in several languages Italian, Spanish, French and English. The next event is on 15th March when they will be performing songs connected to India.

Chris has spent the day listening to two guest speakers who were talking about criminal matters. The first discussed the Brinks Matt Robbery and the second Serial Killers. I went with her to the second but preferred walking a round the deck to a presentation about gold robbers. The weather is bright and sunny and the sea is calm. When the sea is calm and the sun shines then everyone goes outside and the ship becomes very quiet. On deck many people are simply asleep and the most active people read. On the top deck some people take part in quoits, shuffle board or other activities.

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