Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 94 14th April 2011

This is the last day of the cruise. When we awoke his morning we were docked in Southampton. On our side we could see many small boats moored in mid-stream and some tankers and other supply vessels coming alongside to begin the process of getting the ship ready for its next voyage back to the Caribbean. We went down to breakfast since the timetable for leaving did not allow passengers to leave until 9.30am but actually they started at 8.50am with an announcement over the ship’s loudspeaker system. This filled us with optimism that we would be off the ship early but it did not happen since after the early start it slowed down.
After breakfast we waited patiently in the cabin for the announcement that  were next but the lifts were very slow since everyone was on the move so we started off early. We arrived at deck 5 to hear our group announced so could proceed immediately to the gangway. It was still slow process since there is only a small lift for wheelchairs which takes one at a time. The lift brings you out into the enormous baggage hall where we needed to get a porter and then find five suitcases and the manual wheelchair in the several hundred other bags. We located them reasonably quickly and set off through customs to the waiting taxi. John, the taxi driver had rung a couple of times to co-ordinate his actions with ours. When we emerged he was waiting for us.
Three hours drive and we were home. The house had been decorated with ballons and bunting to welcome us back. The pile of mail was simply enormous and the house felt quite strange after three months absence.

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