Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 83 2nd April 2011

This is another warm pleasant day although the sea is rougher than in the Pacific. The clock went forward one hour at to GMT-4 which means we are five hours behind UK time since it is at GMT+1. This time stuff is quite complicated. We attended the Grand Voyage lunch today and that started at to allow for half an hour later being due to fiddling with the clocks.  These lunches are for everyone who are doing the whole voyage and you are invited twice once on the outward journey and another on the return. Today’s lunch is obviously the return one. It was reasonable but perhaps because we have got use to good food it seemed nothing special.

The Indian crew are very happy since Indian won the Cricket World Cup. Many of them started to watch at this morning sacrificing their sleep for their team. I expect that as the night progresses we will see a lot of tired waiters. Their normal shift pattern requires them to work hard which combined with little sleep will be exhausting.

We attended the last talk from Johnny Ball today which focused on floating and ships. He is very enjoyable to listen to and I am surprised that he attracted relatively small audiences. This was made more obvious by his presentations being in the Curzon Theatre which is the largest venue so even an audience of a hundred looks tiny. At the end of the show he started to give his views on climate change which indicated he was sceptical about some of the evidence. However, he did not get a chance to explain his opinions.

Tomorrow, we will be in Aruba where we intend to wander around and do some shopping although it is a Sunday.

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