Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 87 6th April 2011

It is fairly obvious that most people are preparing for the end of the voyage. We decided to buy some of the photographers’ general photographs of the ports of call. You could choose 24 and they would be presented in an album. It took us over an hour to select 24 images and we were far from alone in going through literally thousands of pictures. They were also showing a DVD video they can shot of the Panama Canal transit. We had already decided to buy the film so did not go and see the preview but they showed the video several times to meet the demand. The shop has also sold out of the cheaper suitcases and only has the more expensive left. We had already bought one some weeks ago to cope with the extra goods acquired along the way.

This afternoon we went to two presentations. The first was from Peter Purves and is the second in a series of three that covered his life as a Blue Peter presenter plus his time on Doctor Who. He did ten years on Blue Peter and 44 episodes of Dr Who. It was very enjoyable and his short video illustrations were well chosen. The second was from David Barby who appears on Bargain Hunt and other antique programmes. He focused on his life as an auctioneer and valuer. He spoke at length about the discover of a house owned by a Mrs Mellor which was capsule of valuable antiques and painting. The contents sold for £1.5 million at auction about 10 years ago. He also gave an insight into the collapse in prices of items such as brown wood furniture and the rise in Chinese items. The later is funded by the enormous growth in wealth of individuals who want to but objects fr0m their past.

It has been another bright warm day although one with a strong breeze. We now have four more days at sea before our last port of call.

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