Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 8 (17th January 2011)

We are about 700 miles from Brazil and will cross the equator into the southern hemisphere this evening about 2am (our time – we are currently GMT-2). Today has been quite a lazy day with a warm but humid day just right for sitting on the balcony and watching the sea go by. We saw more flying fish this morning. There was a large shoal of them possibly 50 to 100 fish.

Last night Pam Ayres was the entertainment and she was excellent in particular a poem about packing for a long holiday which everyone recognised as true to life. She is going to do an extra show while on board. In the different bars around the ship there is often live music ranging from pop to classic pianists. You can choose your own preferences.

We went to hear an astronomy talk by an enthusiastic amateur astronomer who also happens to be the entertainment director. He is going to explain in a series of talks what starts and constellations we will see in the southern hemisphere. He was a professional dancer but clearly is heart is in astronomy.

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