Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 20 29th January 2011

We had a rough night with a lot of movement but during the early morning the sea calmed. It is now a bright day if a little cool due to a cold wind blowing across the decks. We went to see Bonny Langford last night and she was warmly received by the audience although we thought it was a little mixed probably best summarised as good in parts.

As it was cool, almost no one was outside so that everywhere was full of people reading or talking. I went and walked around the deck while Chris read in our room. When we returned to the Raffles bar later it had emptied so we drank coffee, read and watched the world go by.  Raffles is a bar towards the bow on deck 8. We often have a drink here in the evening. It has the grand stairway that links decks 8, 7, 6 and 5 emerging in the middle of the bar. The music from the pianist playing in the Champagne bar on deck 7 drifts up the stairs. Raffles bar is intended to emulate the one in Singapore with dark wood furniture and potted plants. From our first trip on the Aurora we have always frequented Raffles. 

I had some Open University work to do (i.e. marking assignments) this afternoon so while I marked Chris went to see Bright Star. She was not impressed since it was slow with the best aspect being the costumes.

Tomorrow we should awake to find ourselves at Port Stanley in the Falklands.

1 comment:

  1. You seem to be spending quite a bit of time in the various bars - mind you, it's a good way to spend time! The ship sounds really nice, think we must have a trip on her sometime. Take care
