Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 45 24th February 2011

The captain warned us last night that we would be experiencing rougher weather during the early hours and today. We were going to enter an area in which a tropical storm had passed a few days earlier and had left behind some bad weather. At we could feel the ship moving. This has continued during the day with some rain showers and a good deal of spray. However, nothing exceptional just a contrast to the smooth rides we had been having for the last few weeks.

My daily walks around the deck passed 500 laps today and it was hard work with the high humidity and also the ships movement. 500 laps is the equivalent of about 156 miles. While I walk I look at the sea in hope of seeing a whale but so far only the occasional dolphin. Today we did see from the cabin a flock of birds feeding on what must be a shoal of fish. The interesting thing is that the nearest land was over 200 miles away. They were dark in colour but we could not identify them. We wondered where they came from or whether they were migrating.

This afternoon we went to hear Lembit Opik, the former Lib Dem MP talk about the last election and formation of the coalition. He was very clear and made a good impress on the audience. He tried hard to be open and honest and I was impressed that he took questions. I did not know that he was born in Northern Ireland and had worked in Newcastle upon Tyne for Proctor and Gamble as a HR and Training and Development Manager.

Life on board does not exclude you from the domestic duties of washing clothes. This is a competitive sport with many people seeking machines than there are washers available. I managed to get our clothes washed this morning but then could not find a drier so they are now hung around the bathroom. No everything is glamorous on a long cruise.

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