Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 39 17th February 2011


Chris at Tahiti

Fishermen at Tahiti

It is no surprise to us after spending a day on Tahiti that the crew of HMS Bounty did not want to go home and preferred to mutiny. It is truly a beautiful place. Nowadays it is very developed with busy roads. Around the harbour they have constructed a park that is flat and wonderful to walk along and admire the sea, trees and birds. There are lots of birds who come very close to you. One that is very common looks like a small grey pigeon. The local prices are quite high but perhaps not surprising since Tahiti attracts the rich and famous. We went to the local market which is very colourful with many flowers for sale as well as fruits and vegetables. There were also handicrafts but nothing special particularly when you notice that a lot of the polished wood is made in Indonesia. The Island rises rapidly from the coast with many of the mountains being covered in cloud. The main city Papeete where the ship docked is a bit of an urban sprawl but the hill sides are very green.

In the afternoon we went for a scenic trip around the island to see the museum in the former home of the author of Mutiny on the Bounty. This is a wonderful house with a pleasant garden and you can see why he chose to live there.  After the museum we went to see a waterfall, a blow hole and to the spot were the James Cooke observed the transit of Venus. The road followed the coast and the views were stunning. One of the sights were many young people surfing with short three foot boards on which they lie. There are a lot of waves and surf along the coast. The island is full of fruit trees. We saw breadfruit, coconuts, bananas, mango and pistachio nuts. There are also many flowers and the effect is to agree with the first French captain to land here that it was Paradise. This was not spoilt by the traffic trying to come back into the town at rush hour.

We sailed out of Tahiti at and headed towards Bora Bora the next stop, tomorrow. This island is supposed to be the most beautiful in the world.

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