Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 31 9th February 2011

Last night we lost another hour so we are now GMT- 4 or four hours behind the UK. We are now sailing west into the Pacific on our way to Easter Island and Pit Cairn. The plan is to sail past both but some islanders will hopefully come on board at Pit Cairn to sell their handicrafts. The ship has more motion now that we are away from the coastal waters and you can hear the little creaks and bangs that go with moving side to side and up and down. It is quite slight but you tend to notice it when sitting quietly. I am not the best of sailors so keep the sea sickness pills in easy reach.

This morning Chris went to a talk on the Kings Mistresses but spotted several errors. In one case the speaker mistook Henry II for Henry I and mixed up the husbands of Mary, Queen of Scotland. She was not impressed. I was busy walking my four miles around the deck. The ships movement was apparent but it was a pleasant warm day for a stroll. However, as the day progressed so did the wind and the waves. Nothing exceptional, but enough to make you uneasy.

We began stage/sector 3 of our cruise yesterday and a new group of entertainers and speakers joined the ship. There is always a mixture of talks going on during the day with classical concerts, musicians, comedians, singers and the ship’s own company offering a choice of entertainment in the evenings. This is apart from the people who play bridge each day, learn to dance, take part in crafts or simply read a book.  Chris went to see the film Social Network which she judged Ok apart from the difficulty in understanding the speech of the actors which was too fast.

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