Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 88 8th April 2011

It is a calm warm day with a smooth sea as far as you can see. It is a quiet almost subdued day with everyone now talking about going home. We have met several people who have already started to pack their suitcases. It does seem a little early to me but we will probably have to make a start in the next day or two. Some passengers have clearly bought a lot and doubt they can fit their belongings into their existing suitcases.

We went to another talk by David Barby who reviewed the changes in fashion, housing and furniture after the Second World War. It was interesting presentation and well attended. Later this evening we are having a few people around for a drink before dinner. We have been invited to several during the voyage. We are going to the Indian theme dinner tonight after our soiree.

We gained another hour today at 12am so we are now at GMT-2 which is another indication that we are getting nearer home

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