Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 61 12th March 2011

We went to bed with the news that the earthquake in Japan had sent a tidal wave across the Pacific and that the ship would encounter the wave during the night. It was not clear how large the wave would be when it reached us. We were half way between New Zealand and Western Samoa. When it did reach the ship at , this morning it was a bit of an anticlimax given that the ship had no probably riding it. One or two people had objectives fall from shelves in their cabins but personally we slept through the event. It was little more than the normal turbulence you encounter.

The ocean has been remarkably calm after the tidal wave. It is probably the most tranquil we have seen the water since we left Southampton. There are few waves and almost no swell. There have been a number of rain showers and visibility is limited although strangely it is far worse on the port side of the ship compared to the starboard.

This is a sea day so the ship is very quiet except for the launderette which is packed as always. I find it hard to understand the desire to spend time in there or that people find so much to wash. It is an unpleasant place with people always watching your every move so that they don’t miss their turn. If you try to iron there are always people asking you when you will be finished? Personally I prefer to use the ships laundry. It does not cost much and you avoid this unpleasant environment.

We went to the port talk on Honolulu this morning and are left undecided if we should just wander around on our own or go on a trip to Pearl Harbour. We are pondering at the moment. We also have to get through American immigration which is often time consuming.

Tomorrow is again 12th March so that we can catch up with the clock. This international date line stuff is far from clear.

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