Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 2 (11th January 2011) Somewhere off the coast of Portugal

The weather has improved today with calm seas which is blessing. Even very large ships such as the Aurora move around a good deal more than is comfortable when the wind blows and the waves rise. The cabin is on the 11th Floor so has a dramatic view from the balcony even if it is too cold to sit outside until we get further south. As normal on cruises we have been talking to the other passengers and exchanging each others life histories. We met a hair dressing magnate from Wigan today who is on his third world cruise.

Passengers are divided into two groups: those that walk around the deck and those that do not. I am a member of the former who are in a small minority but today walking around (10 laps or 3 miles) I could observe the tough passengers in both groups who are prepared to brace the cold wind off the Atlantic to sit outside or walk around. The ship is moving at 20 knots so it generates its own draft to add to the normal sea breezes. The smokers can only smoke in a few designated areas on the ship and one is a small section on the deck so there is always group outside no matter what the weather is like. There are the hardy souls who sit outside and read even on the coldest day. The couples who stroll very slowly around the ship and the speed walkers who rush pass them. A mixed bunch but normally they are very friendly.

Tonight is the Welcome Aboard dinner when you get the chance to meet the Captain but only at the cost of a long queue so we normal attend the dinner but miss out shaking his hand. It is long dresses and dinner jacket’s event and the food is intended to be very special

1 comment:

  1. A hair dressing magnate? Seriously?

    Glad to hear you're settling in. You'll have to post a picture of the view from the balcony.
