Sunday, November 28, 2010

Getting Ready

There are a million and one things you need to do to get ready but the one that seems to have taken longest is insurance. This is both holiday and home insurance. In this case almost everyone sets a maximum amount of claim that is much lower than the actual cost. We eventually went with the cruise lines own insurance which covered everything. The house was more difficult in that once you are away for more than 60 days your policies impose extra conditions which took several phone calls and letters to clarify but in the end we paid extra on one policy, added extra locks and got the house checked regularly for the other.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010



This is the Aurora which will take us on our trip around the world. The statistics of the voyage are very impressive. They show that the journey will involve:
  1. travelling for 95 nights
  2. visiting 16 countries
  3. stopping at 35 ports
  4. crossing both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
  5. visiting many wonderful cities such as Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Falklands, Christmas Island, Sydney, San Francisco and many more
  6. crossing the Equator and International Date Line
  7. travelling through the Panama Canal